Membership Benefits
CEU presentations at our monthly meetings available at a significantly reduced cost ($5 per CEU for members, $20 for non-members)
Voting rights in our monthly chapter meetings
Members-only Facebook page and events
Eligibility for Board positions
Public policy and legislative efforts with the assistance of NYMHCA’s two lobbyists
The NYMHCA Newsletter
Continuing Education Program: in-person workshops, webinars, conventions
A FREE basic listing on NYMHCA’s Find-a-Counselor Directory
Access to NYMHCA’s Find-a-Supervisor Directory where you can share your experience and expertise with colleagues
Members' Corner Facebook page where you will find real-time updates on how NYMHCA is working for you!
10 Regional NYMHCA Chapters around New York State: including us, the MHCGR!
NYMHCA’s Biennial Convention with FREE continuing education units!
Access to NYMHCA’s Counselor Educator Meeting for the educators of our future counselors!
Mentoring Program for Students and Grads